Ebenezer Afolabi is a man graciously endowed with the ability to offer solutions to knotty situations through teaching, writing, and personal counselling with the help of the Holy Spirit. He is a Pastor, a conference speaker, a worship leader, and a lover of God. He is happily married to Kikelomo Afolabi, a true child of God and a faithful partner in the ministry.
A few years ago, he was introduced to Christian Apologetics as a seminary student. The profound impact of these teachings set his heart ablaze for the Lord. It felt as if all his seminary studies were encapsulated in Christian apologetics. He delved deeper, reading books and seeking wisdom from experts in the field. Little did he know God was preparing his heart for a significant role. In 2012, he had a revelation – the Lord presented him with a ladder. When he asked its purpose, He replied, ‘For the apologetics you are doing.’ He questioned further, ‘Are you calling me to be an apologist?’ The Lord’s answer was a resounding ‘Yes.’ Since then, he has been fervently praying, studying, and trusting the Lord for the opportunity to defend my faith.
With a preaching and teaching career of over twenty years, he has been deeply involved in ministries dealing with complex and technical areas of pastoral practice. His experience includes answering reasonable objections to the Christian faith, teaching young adults and teenagers, conflict resolution, counselling, evangelising people of other religions, and organising seminars and symposiums for Christian workers and young people. He has also been actively involved in the music ministry as part of his pastoral career. His academic qualifications include a Master of Theology degree in New Testament Biblical Studies, a Bachelor of Theology in Christian Education and Music from LIFE Theological Seminary, Ikorodu Lagos, Nigeria (an affiliate of the University of Ibadan and accredited by ACTEA), and a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Religious Study from Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo. He has also authored numerous articles, books, and other literary publications, including “Understanding Animism and Monotheism in an African Context” (an article written for South African Theological Seminary) and “Doing Apologetics with an African Mindset”.