
Christ’s Death as the Perfect Sacrifice

Christ’s Death as the Perfect Sacrifice Sacrifice plays a central part in the traditional religions of Africa. Traditional Africans offer sacrifices to either obtain divine favour, to appease the wrath of an angry deity, as a means of fellowship, t…

Christ’s Death as the Perfect Sacrifice for Sin: An African Context

Christ’s Death as the Perfect Sacrifice for Sin: An African Context By Ebenezer AfolabiCulled from The Uniqueness of Christianity: Presenting Jesus to non-Christians in Africa Download full PDF: Christ’s Death as the Perfect Sacrifice Sacrifice p…

Heaven and Hell in African, Islam and Christian Thoughts

Heaven and Hell in African, Islam and Christian Thoughts Download PDF: Heaven and Hell in African, Islam and Christian Thoughts 93 Geisler & Saleeb, Answering Islam, 121Page | 99Heaven and Hell in Islamic ThoughtThe afterlife is an inevitable…

Jesus’ Solidarity with the African People

Jesus’ Solidarity with the African People How comforting to know that Jesus feels the sufferings and the pains of the African people. He does not only feel their pains and sufferings, He actively participates in their sufferings. Jesus has solidarity w…

Storytelling within the context of Apologetics

Storytelling within the context of Apologetics By Ebenezer Afolabi African culture is rooted in oral culture and tradition. On this basis, the adoption of storytelling in all its forms in the defense of the Christian faith in Africa will definitely…

The Anointed Jesus: His Mission and Fulfilment

The Anointed Jesus: His Mission and Fulfilment By Pastor Ebenezer Afolabi In the winter before His crucifixion, Jesus took His disciples to Gentile territory in Caesarea Philippi. The region was strongly identified with various religions: it had been…

Witnessing to the People of Other Faiths in Africa

Witnessing to the People of Other Faiths in Africa By Romaric Didacien Dongobada PhD, full time lecturer at FIBAT and part time at FATEB in Bangui (CAR) Email:             Introduction             God’s intention throughout hi…
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